I have the best smile. Argue with yourself!

blogtober challenge. Day 2

At last! The weekend is finally here. Generally, Fridays are awesome and everyone loves Fridays. Well, apart from the fact that it ushers us into the weekend, when you can bid goodbye to the pressures of work and deadlines just to have fun.

It also comes with a perfect opportunity for reflections and a solitary life from all the noise. Isn’t that great? Talking about reflections, today started off pretty positive.
I listened to a mindfulness audio on Steve Harvey show. It is the hardship of a black American single mum in South Central Los Angeles who single-handily raised her son. She got fired from five different jobs, she was broke and she was broken and then she got pregnant with her son unexpectedly.

At eight months, her son’s father went to prison. For two days she had to wrap her son in a towel because she was bankrupt in everything that was holding and keeping her where she was. I was taken aback after listening to how she survived it.

Through it all, she had faith and uttered these words.

“Mommy will never be this broke again. I want to transform your life because you didn’t ask to come into this chaos. If you are going to be convicted about something, you might have to go through some discomfort but if you just want to stay comfortable, why don’t you just relax where you are?”

So this morning I asked myself “Am I willing to reinvent who I am? Or am I ready to kill away procrastination, excuses, wallowing in self-pity, the tribulations, and storms of life, the blame game just like she said and did to find myself and achieve it big? Most of all, am I willing to keep this beautiful smile on when life hits me and rise above it?

When the tides turn quickly, as humans we need to remind ourselves of our past achievements and successes we have chalked. I rapidly remind myself of the past that made me smile when the present is blurry. I smile through it because I know moments like this are sure to come anytime soon. Today, 2nd October, being the second challenge of my blogtober challenge, is also World Smile Day. We have so many reasons to smile and be happy regardless of where we find ourselves or our situation.

As I type this message now, I have so many unread messages and deadlines I have to meet but this message can’t possibly be kept for another day.

I have 20 things that make me smile and this is the perfect time to do it.

1. Feeling at peace: Admittedly, I have always been a restless and anxious person. However, I get a refreshing moment within my spirit when I get to fast and pray about something. I have this strong desire to influence people in a positive way. I smile when I realize I am in safe hands with someone who loves the things of God and he or she wants to help me in that regard.

2. Feeling good about myself: The fact I look into the mirror and like what I see about myself is a real personal achievement for me.

3. Getting rid of the noise and going back to nature: I am not wild and bubbly when it comes to having fun. When it is beach or something so calming and invigorating about nature, find me. I personally crave for that a lot. It gives me peace.

4. Good times with good friends: I can’t wait to have a white wedding in church surrounded by my very good friends cheering me on and smiling. I can picture it already. I love my small circle of friends. They bring me joy and make me feel appreciative of myself.

5. Meeting strangers: just don’t force me into an acquaintance. Allow me to walk into a shop, the street, restaurant, places of interest, to meet someone new. You will be surprised when I finally get to experience this and get to know they exudes niceness and happiness, I will stick around forever.

6. Good food: My love for this delicacy is crazy. (Kenkey with fish and onion). Just don’t forget to add some shrimps.

7. Your ideas (thoughtful): I am easily moved by this trait. I know I can be very quiet sometimes. But just a thoughtful idea can make me smile and feel we are a team!

8. Good Movies: recommend a good movie for me and see if I won’t drool over it till the end of the year.

9. Photographers and Doctors: these two professions are my friends. I have come to love taking pictures. Most of my friends are either medical students or doctors. I love their company because they are sweet with their caring nature and soft-spoken. I kind of love the special treatment they give me whenever I call on them.

10. African Print: just gift me with this and I will be beaming with infectious smiles.

11. A good book: reading a good book is like getting a new best friend. In this, I get to connect with the characters, being swept away by a timeless love story. Books fill me with endless joy. I’m not a book addict though but there is nothing like coffee or a wine, being in bed with a good book! Such peace!

12. Hugs: let me wish we can do it forever. Hug someone and really connect to the heart level. Try it sometime.

13. My blog: this makes me smile. I love to write.

14. Heels: flat shoes, sandals, shoes, aren’t my most favorite. Heels make me look and feel smart.

15. Old friends and family: they bring out the best in me.

16. Good music: My latest discovery Sam Smith’s – Lay me down makes me tear. It is beautiful and gets me singing along.

17. Good conversation: enlighten me with what you know and let me learn from you.

18. Light-colored night wears.

19. Compliment me on my bad day

20. Smiling makes me smile.

All it takes to make your day bright is to smile, whether someone gives it to you or not. Remember life is too short to wallow in self-pity and just like the single mother, you are your own rescue, no one is.

Rise up today, list a number of things that makes you smile and glow. Reflect on them and start your day with a bright and beautiful smile just like mine👇👇👇👇

I have the best Smile😊. Argue with yourself!

The challenge continues tomorrow 💜💃

7 responses to “I have the best smile. Argue with yourself!”

  1. Wow! Just wow! This is just for me. God really cares because I was just thinking about all the unfinished tasks I’m supposed to complete before a particular deadline, of which I’m quite late. I know God is working so I smile 😊. Thank you so much for this post.
    And aside the feminine aspect, I think I could agree with all of the things that make you smile too… We have a lot in common 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you can relate to this. Exactly, God cares. You know, he is a faithful God and he knows why we go through these situations. Joseph in the Bible went through years of uncertainty from his infancy through Egypt, Ruth, Paul, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego also went through tribulations but never gave up. They trusted God and understood his ways. Faith does not exempt us from difficulties. God will not allow a storm if he does not have a purpose for us. All these Ugly sides come into our lives to pave way for greater things to happen.

      Read Ps. 46:1-2, Isaiah 41:10, Nahum 1:7, Ps. 29:1 and meditate on these scripture. I trust you will be fine. Just keep smiling and I promise to do same when things get rough! 💜💃


      1. Thank you so much. God bless you


  2. Jemima Akyeabea Ofori Oduro Avatar
    Jemima Akyeabea Ofori Oduro

    Nice piece

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Ma’am


  3. Lovely

    Liked by 1 person

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